Personal Details


•Seasoned educator, with years of experience in teaching (especially mathematics and science), and in planning and administrating educational endeavours
•Passionate about teaching, with inter-personal and communication skills as part of strengths as a person, an educator, a mother, an administrator and a leader
•Self-initiated, motivated and enthusiastic in promoting life-long education and learning
•Dedicated to help nurture students’ sensorial, intellectual, affectual, social, ethical,moral and spiritual disciplines and awareness to the highest level possible, vis-à-vis the Ūlū al-Albāb model
•Believes in the potency of true Islamic education and Qur’anic / Prophetic ethics, and of leading through example, and in the impacts that a teacher (as mu’addib and murabbī) has in nurturing and moulding the next generation
•Confidence in the beauty of diversity and the strength of cohesion due to mutual respect and understanding
•Trusts in sincerity, discipline, compassion, patience and perseverance, and accountability to Allāh S.W.T.


•To stimulate an awareness and the desire to learn and understand more of the Islamic intellectual, spiritual, scientific and civilizational legacies
•To promote an understanding of the history of Western thought and of the philosophy of Western modern science
•To help develop the teaching, learning and the pursuit of natural sciences from the Worldview of the Qur’ān
•To inspire an Ummatic and civilizational awareness, a sense of responsibility and a Tawḥīdic activism that transcends national, racial and religious boundaries

  • Full Name:Nur Jannah (Nor Jana) Hassan
  • Phone:+603 6195 5559
    +603 6196 6791
  • Address:Dept. of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies
    Kulliyyah of Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences
    International Islamic University Malaysia

    Centre for Islamisation (CENTRIS)
    Level 3, Rectory
    International Islamic University Malaysia.