December 2008 - April 2016
Philosophy, Ethics & Contemporary Issues. International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization / Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.
Thesis Title: Integration of Qur’ānic Perspectives in the Curricula of Natural Science in Selected Islamic Secondary Schools of Indonesia and Malaysia: A Comparative Study.
September 2002 - August 2006
(Interim) Counselling Psychology, British Columbia College of Teachers, British Columbia,CANADA
September 1997 - August 1999
Guidance and Counselling
Thesis Title:Carl Rogers’ Humanistic Approach to Guidance and Counselling: A Critical Analysis from an Islamic Perspective.
March 1996 - March 1997
Teaching of English and Mathematics
September 1983 - December 1987
Bachelor of Science (Honours Science)
1982 - 1983
1977 - 1981